The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), in the context of managing the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master, collects and processes the personal data of some of the candidates. In particular, certain data of the scholarship holders (students and scholars) and non-scholarship holders is shared with the Agency through the EACEA Mobility Tool and treated according to the following privacy statement.
As the management of the mobility projects will require the recording and further processing of personal data in the EACEA Mobility Database by the project beneficiaries, all personal data are dealt with in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 on the protection of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies.
Regarding the collection and processing of personal data, the project beneficiaries have been instructed to inform the persons participating in mobility about the database and give reference to this document.
The Privacy statement outlines the policies by which the EACEA collects, manages and uses the personal data in the context of managing mobility projects.